Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Great Divide-Dead Vs. Alive

You can see the vulture waiting for the child to die so that it can take a bite for its own survival.

(pic courtesy:www.sfuhs.org/.../famine/index.html )

There is a great divide between those who are alive and those who are literally dead. Some people are dying of hunger while some live a life in comfort. The world isn't fair. However, it is quite another thing to blame the rich for the sad situation of the poor. The world would be a better place if everyone would get enough to sustain life in a decent way. However, that is something of a dream to all of us.

I have tried to compile a couple of pictures as a memory from the past to remind all of us that we have to have some sense of giving. We have to help these people come up. We need to help them survive.

The famine of Tamil Nadu at around 1876-78 where an estimated 3.5-4 million people died.

(pic courtesy: www.movinghere.org.uk/gallery/hardship/famine.htm)

This isn't the end. There are thousands of pictures which make us feel ashamed of living in the air-conditioned rooms.

Look at the children and that animal. All dead and together. Don't you feel sorry from your heart? Don't just feel sorry, do something.

(pic courtesy: forum.doctissimo.fr/sante/intelligence/Destin... )

How is the mother going to breast-feed the baby when her mammary glands have dried up? There is a lot you can do in this world. Do it.

(pic courtesy: http://www.sudan.net/graphic/news/famine/famine_lying.jpg)


Anonymous said...

I agree that famine and world hunger is worng and that people should try their best to help, but I would like to also point out that some of you pictures are inaccurate. The third picture with the dead animal and the three children is an obvious photo edit, and I beleive that the fourth picture is a man holding the child, not a woman. (plus it's not nice to insult her if she was a woman)

Don't get me wrong, I agree with your cause. But please try to make sure all your information is accurate if you are going to be representing such an emotional subject.

Unknown said...

I dont think the fourth picture is that of a man holding a child. This is what happen when people have nothing to eat... you fail to even understand the difference between a man and a woman... the mammary glands of the woman has dried up..... she has nothing to give to her child.... not even a drop of milk........

Anonymous said...

the third picture is a statement. The exact situation didn't need to ever occur in order for it to represent and bring emotion. The impact needs to be felt, so what if the truth is twisted. what isn't twisted or manipulated in this life? Think about it. view it as more or less a decriptive piece of art.

Anonymous said...


princessK said...

a ghost of a mother holds her dying child,there's nothing she can do for him nothing she can offer him to comfort him.she clings to her child willing life into him life which herself holds merely by a threat,i cannot think how a human heart is not moved by such a scene.to look upon such human suffering fills me with guilt and sadness i wish i could reach into the picture and offer some kind of help any at all.


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