Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Why Do Asians Not Wear Shoes at Home?

Mark, a friend of mine from United Kingdom, walked straight into my living room with his shoes on. I was surprised and shocked, angered and left frustrated. I was looking at the dirt marks made by his shoes on the clean carpet that stretched to the four corners of the floor. He realized that I was looking intensely at him. Without any hesitation he asked, “Hey, is there something wrong?”


I made him feel comfortable, “Oh! Everything is fine. I am glad you accepted my invitation to come to my house.” In fact, I was angered by his attitude. I even had a sign outside my house that read, “We welcome your soul, not your shoes” and yet, he did not notice it, or he ignored it. He made me realize for the first time that not all people in this world take their shoes off before they enter the house. “How can people wear shoes inside their house?” I thought.

Most of the Asian nations like Japan, China, Nepal and India have the tradition of taking shoes off before entering the house. The traditional houses have a rack for shelving shoes outside the door. Hindu people have been highly influenced by this tradition. While there can be several reasons for taking shoes off before entering the house, the religion in these countries plays a major role for this tradition. Health benefits are important too.

However, health benefits of not wearing shoes may have been the least considered factors when Hindu people made it a religious norm to take shoes off before entering houses. Major reasons are religious rather than health. Hindu people believe that gods reside in their house. Hindu people have some sort of prayer rooms within their house. This implies that they regard their houses as the temples. Hence, entering houses in shoes is not an acceptable norm. So, if one is to step inside the house in their shoes, it is a sign of disrespect to the god. And, it is this fear of angering the god that forbids Hindu people from entering houses in shoes.

Furthermore, Hindu people believe in non-violence. It is against the religion to kill animals whether it is for food or for other purposes. And shoes are generally made out of leather which is regarded as an impure substance by the Hindu religion. Even the people who work in shoe factories are considered as being inferior. So, most of the Hindu people do not want impure substances within their home. There are people who still believe in this reason, and those people do not even wear leather clothes.

Moreover, Hindu people respect rice. Rice is a staple food in the countries like India and Nepal. Many people use the straw of rice plants to make mats. And, these mats are stretched on the floors in the houses. So, they do not want to dirty the mats, which are made from the plant they respect so much. They sit on the floors covered by the mats. They even make their beds on the floors and sleep on the floors. If they bring their shoes inside the houses, they would be dirtying the mats or even their beds at times. So, it would be good even from the health aspect to take shoes off before entering the house.

There are other reasons to support the health benefits arising from this tradition in India and Nepal. The climate in these countries is hot and humid for some of the months. Generally, the roads are muddy when it rains and dusty when the sun is shining. Many people walk to their workplace or take public transport. Hence, they are likely to gather a lot of dirt and even pesticides on their shoes. So, if one is to walk into the house with those dirty shoes, one would have to clean the house many times a day to keep it hygienic. Moreover, the people in this region are poor. They cannot afford to clean houses many times a day. The use of a vacuum cleaner is rare. Many houses are not made of concrete; they are made of mud and bricks. So, it is hard to clean houses if one is to walk inside with dirty shoes.

However, these are not the only reasons. When exposed to air, sufficient air can circulate around the feet creating a soothing experience. One can stretch his legs and have a good exercise of toes. It gives a sense of relaxation and freedom to the feet. “I feel relaxed when I am without shoes,” says Mahesh from Nepal, who is currently studying in U.S.A. He further says,” We take off shoes because it is good for our health.”

Whatever the reasons are, there are certain benefits of not wearing shoes inside the house. Though one may lose the comfort and convenience of walking inside the houses on shoes, it is certainly good for our health. However, Hindu people do not take their shoes off for health reasons alone, but also to show respect to the god.


Unknown said...

Very nice article.
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Anonymous said...

Here is another solution to your problem, there is a product out there offered.. check out the website of www.ezshoecovers.com

Anonymous said...

"Use of Vacuum cleaners is rare.Houses are made of brick and mud"
When did you write this post 1956?
This is exactly the kind of ignorance you are famous for.Just because India and Nepal are developing countries doesn't mean we live in mud houses.For once try to know whats going on in the world rather than sitting at home and gloating about how great you're country is.

Anonymous said...

In my house we do not take our shoes off, but you know what? I clean my house on a daily basis which makes it way more pure than the hindu house I went to upon checking out the property that was for sale. I was totally disgusted at the filth in that house, not even because visitors were coming did they bother to clean up. The bathroom had mold and mildew and dirt build up that looked like it hadn't been cleaned in months!!! They had a little room with an altar for their gods, but even that room was full of clutter and totally disorganized, this is the offering they give their gods??? filth!!! I promise not to generalize after this disgusting experience but it sure left me thinking that my house was way more respectful to my God even though I wear shoes inside my house, I offer my God a clean house.

Anonymous said...

Your article was good up until the point you said Hindu's are nonviolent...Aside from being violent, they also accept slavery and allow their people to live like animals. Sure, don't kill a cow, but a Muslim, kill 'em! Don't hurt the cow, but let those kids live in slums and play with trash...

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the article and the points about cleanliness, but let me tell you my experience. I had several Chinese people lving with me many years ago. While the custom was to leave the shoes by the door, custom was also to stand (not sit) on the toilet seats, leaving dirty, wet slipper prints behind. So when you get frustrated about the UK gentleman who may have disregarded your sign, remember the disgustingly filthy toilet seats that I had to see. Oh, and yes, I did make them clean off the seats.


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